Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jan. 25 2009

Hello everyone! Since my last post we got another very last minute male student (a huge answer to prayer), I was a volunteer at the Sony Open golf tournament, outreach teams have been decided, and I turned 20! Things have been going very well with the school so far. We have a varied group of students from new Christians to a couple pastor's kids. They are a really ambitious group that are diving right into the school and I think many of them are getting a lot out of the lectures.
So far we have had people from the base teaching lectures, but this next week we have Keith Martins and his team who run a prayer ministry. I hear that he is a good speaker from many who have heard him speak in the past. Should be exciting!

Curtis West

My Birthday Surprise Party!

Lecture on the beach

Surfboard on the North Shore

Tabernacle demonstration (I made the priest costume!)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Aloha, again!

Well, I have finally started to settle into the groove here at the Honolulu base again and students are now arriving so that we can have our official kickoff tomorrow. We have 21 students; 16 girls, 3 guys, and a married couple. We were really hoping to get more guys but the ones we have seem great.

I feel like these next couple of months are really going to push me. I am the only first time leader here and also younger than a majority of the students. I am really excited however to see what is in store.

Please pray for wisdom in leadership and that the staff's relationships with the students can start out on a good foot.

At the top is my least favorite picture, but the only one I have at this moment, of all the staff this quarter.

Curtis West