Thursday, March 4, 2010

Team Philippines!

So since the last time I posted we have had a team member added giving us a grand total of four students. We also have also chosen where we'll be going in the Philippines: Manila, Bagio, and Olongapo. In Manila we will be doing slum ministry and also children's ministry, teaching curriculum during a 50th year of YWAM celebration. In Bagio we will be doing a followup visit to a town struck by mudslides that the last team had visited. We will also be the main speakers during two Discipleship Training Weeks which are basically very very condensed DTS's. Olongapo is a fairly new destination for our outreach teams and they focus on getting women and girls out of the prostitution industry. It will be a very varied outreach as far as ministries, and I'm sure we will be doing far more.

I have started a "gospel choir" with three of the members of my team ( so really it's more like a quartet"). We sing mostly songs I learned from choir in high school. It's been a lot of fun and something kind of new.

The speakers for this quarter have been awesome. Right now we have Tom Osterhaus, base director of YWAM Maui, speaking on Biblical World View. He is excellent speaker who is able to get everyone thinking.

This is the team: Danielle, HÃ¥kon, Cortney, Chelsea, Me, Megan

Our car broke down on the side of a highway on our way to go BBQ at a beach.

Since we new it would take well over an hour for another car to come rescue, we had our grill on the side of the highway.