Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Here we go again!

It has been an amazing start to the DTS this year. We have 10 students, two if which are guys and that is a huge answer to prayer. For this January quarter we decided to introduce an "Exodus". We surprised the students with a camping trip with a limited supplies list, each had a buddy they had to stay within arms distance of, and they did not know how long it would be. It was extremely need to see these people be challenged and pushed in ways they never had been. One of the best parts was we were able to stay at Kualoa ranch (where LOST, and Jurassic Park were filmed) in exchange for doing some work for the ranch. One day we had a five and a half hour hike, and the next we worked in a taro field weeding and planting. It was hard work but fun at the same time. We ended the trip with a feast back at base where each student had there feet washed and prayed for by a staff member. It was an awesome time of openness and brought the school to a level that usually takes weeks to get to.

Teams are being decided next week, so I'll be able to tell you more about that at that time. For now however I am trying to study Romans to be able to teach in Bible Reading over the next several weeks, I am also on the events crew this semester which has been going well.

Thank you everyone for your support!!!

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